Day 1 of 5 - Listening to the Universe

Apr 18th, 2016 - Category: Sound

Om Being involved with Acoustics for over 20 years, I regularly come across articles on the topic from a wide variety of sources. Recently, they have been collecting in my To-Write file so this week will feature five days of acoustics posts. Enjoy!

For Day 1, here is a quote from Gabriela González, spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, at the National Science Foundation’s Gravitational Waves Press Conference. “We can hear gravitational waves! We can hear the universe! That’s one of the beautiful things about this. We are not only going to be seeing the universe, we are going to be listening to it.” Her excellent explanation can be found in this YouTube video.

Gravitational Waves With so much conflict recently between science and religion, it is nice to hear a little agreement for a change. If you are Christian, “In the beginning was the Word.” If you are Hindu (or Buddhist or Jain), “Om” is the sacred sound that creates the universe. If you prefer more modern mystics, ”Man lives by sonic frequencies that hold the human body together.” Or study Cymatics.

Now with the discovery of Gravitation Waves by the LIGO Detector, sound can take its proper place in humans’ understanding of the basic building blocks of our universe.